
Hi everyone! This will be my about page once I figure out how to write this thing *facepalm* ;)

For now, my name is Sarah - but my handle on everything is Lycaenide, so come find me! I am a 23 year old (almost) psychology graduate, and am continuing a masters of research in science. I'm a gamer (love me some RPGs), cat loving witch at heart. I collect crystals, skulls and perfume - and this blog is going to me a refuge for me to be creative, and a resourse for others who have the same ethics as me.

This blog will mainly be about cruelty free beauty, as that is something I am very passionate about! Eventually I will be building a big cruelty free in the UK list once I've done a bit more research myself. I want to create a resource that you can not only trust, but easily check and confirm yourself - so I'll be citing and sourcing all of my information.

I also have an addiction to subscription boxes, so there will likely be a few of them here every month. I also plan to talk about all of the more alternative lifestyle topics that I enjoy, like non-mainstream fashion, gaming and other geekery, tattoos and hair dye, fantasy books and sci-fi films, and the occasional chatty post about self love.

Light in the Wasteland is about celebrating your own uniqueness and individuality in a way that doesn't harm yourself, others or the planet. If this is something you dig too, come join me fellow Wastelanders.

Love and Light xx

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